Instructions for Authors   

Oral Presentations

There will be 6 paper sessions, each including a keynote lecture and 3-4 submitted presentations. Every submitted paper speaker will have, for the presentation and for questions/discussion, 20 minutes, therefore please limit your presentation to 15 minutes to leave time for discussion.
The full texts of all workshop presentations will be published in Workshop Proceedings on the EAHIL web site, see Workshop Proceedings below.

Guidelines for Speakers
  • Please leave your PowerPoint presentation at the lecture room Audio-Video Desk, at least 30 minutes before your session.
  • If possible present yourself to the Chair prior to the start of the session.
  • Ensure that you keep to time, as a courtesy to other speakers who will follow. Allow 15 minutes for presentation and 5 minutes for questions and time for change over.
  • Please speak clearly and slowly, remembering that for most participants English is a second language.
Poster Presentations

Posters will be on display during whole workshop, but there will be a Poster Session (Thursday afternoon) during which at least one of the authors will be requested to stand by his/her poster and to present the poster to workshop participants.

The size of a poster board will be 98 x 180 cm, portrait orientation. It is recommended that the poster will be ~ 96 cm wide x 1 m high, but small deviations from this size are accepted. The poster board surface will only allow sticking, not pinning; blu-tack for attaching poster to the board will be provided.

There will be a special Awarded Posters Session (Saturday morning) during which three best posters will be presented orally. Abstract of your poster will be included in the Book of Abstracts, but for a poster to be included in the Workshop Proceedings you are asked to send a short narrative version, see Workshop Proceedings below.

Guidelines for Poster Presenters
  • Please, be at your poster during the Poster Session on Thursday afternoon, to answer questions regarding your presentation. The boards will be equipped with pockets for handouts (A4), which are expected from the authors.
  • Be prepared to give a short oral presentation of your poster (if awarded) during The Awarded Poster Session on Saturday. The narrative version of your poster can be used and/or read.
Workshop Proceedings

Full text submission

The Workshop Proceedings will include the full text of all the papers presented in the oral and poster sessions of the EAHIL Workshop. They will be published online in PDF format immediately after the conference.

All the presenting authors are requested to submit the full text of their paper before 31 July 2007.

For a poster to be included in the Workshop Proceedings you are asked to send a short narrative version of your poster. By a narrative version we mean a text, more informative than the abstract, which would help reader comprehend better the content of your poster.

Please find below the instructions for submitting the full text of your paper:
  • All the papers should be submitted in Microsoft Word format, Times Roman 12, single spaced, Left justification.
  • The Title, Authors (with full names and surnames in forms in which they should appear in the index, for example "van Beethoven Ludwig" or "Beethoven van Ludwig"), Affiliation (institution, town, country - all in English) and References sections follow the same style as for the abstract, see the Template.
  • The full text should be clearly structured, if appropriate, into sections, e.g. Introduction, Aim, Methods etc. The titles of the sections should be in bold sentence case, subsections (if any) in italics. Do not number the sections.
  • Tables and their captions should be inserted in the text and numbered with Roman numerals.
  • Figures and their legends should be inserted in the text and numbered with Arabic numerals. All the figures should also be sent as separate files, JPG format, 300 dpi or less.
  • Since the full texts will be published online, there is no strict limitation regarding the length.
Please send the full text of your paper or poster as an e-mail attachment to the Workshop Organizers

Scientific Programme Awards

3 Best Oral Presentations overall
3 Best Poster Presentations overall

The evaluation criteria used are:

Oral Presentation Evaluation Criteria

Poster Evaluation Criteria

Contact Information

For any further details regarding the presentations please contact the Workshop Organizers: Workshop Office: