New year, more exciting news!

Welcome to the new year and another EAHIL LOC blog! This is the year when the EAHIL conference will be held in Cardiff, Wales. Wow it was exciting to say that!

This time the meeting was held on the 25th January in the Public Health Wales building in Cardiff with a few people video conferencing into the meeting.

There was a lot of discussion around the prices for the conference along with when registration will be opening, there really is a lot more to these kind of decisions than we at first thought. We come to our decisions and the prices will be available during February when the registration for the main conference, continuing education course, and the social events will all be open.

Talking about social events there were a lot of thoughts as to what our various delegates and their partners might find interesting. It’s always tricky trying to think like a tourist in your home country/city. If anyone out there has any burning desire to see something specific within the South Wales/Cardiff area please do let us know and we’ll certainly look into it. It’s worth mentioning that these social events will go ahead whatever the weather so you will need to pack anything from factor 50 sun lotion to a rain coat.

Don’t forget to keep those conference hints and tips coming for those who are new to these kind of events. Anything you can think of might very well be a big help to someone new.

  • Sarah Bruch

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