Submitting Abstract or Course

Call for Papers

Cooperation has always enriched our profession, so the aim of this Conference is to provide a space where Health Sciences Librarians from Europe and other Continents can share their best practices as agents of innovation, pillars of knowledge and support to research. It is also a challenging opportunity to debate about fostering open access and new ways of scholarly dissemination.

The 15th EAHIL Conference will continue the tradition of previous conferences with oral presentations, poster sessions, round tables and panel discussions.

Therefore, under the scope of the theme Knowledge, Research, Innovation…eHealth, and without forgetting traditional topics, the EAHIL welcomes submissions for oral presentations and posters, about:

  • Metrics
  • Innovation
  • Open Access
  • Legal Issues
  • Scholarly Dissemination
  • Cooperation
  • Research
  • Education
  • Technology
  • Management & Leadership

And we also encourage you to propose Continuing Education Courses.

Deadlines for authors

  • Opening of call for papers: 28 September, 2015
  • Close Submissions: 25 November, 2015       extended until 08 December, 2015  
  • Notification for acceptance/rejection: 15 January, 2016
  • Publication of the programme: 29 January, 2016
  • Deadline for submission of abstract final version: 29 January, 2016
  • Deadline for text for Conference Proceedings: 15 April, 2016

Abstract Submission

Authors are invited to submit papers through the Conference Submission System from September 28, 2015. Submissions must be original and should not have been published previously or be under consideration for publication while being evaluated for this conference.

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In case you have problems in submitting your abstract via this form, please …

If you are an EAHIL member, login as “registered visitor” and use your membership login details. If you are not an EAHIL member, please fill in all fields.

Before January 15, 2016, you will be notified of the acceptance or refusal of the paper by the International Programme Committee. The acceptance can be for oral or for poster presentation.

For Continuing Education Courses, also submit your proposal through the Conference Submission System.

Each author is allowed to submit a maximum of 3 forms either abstract or course proposal.

Abstract Book

An abstract book (printed version) will be provided to all Conference participants before the Conference take place.

The Abstract Book will contain the abstracts of both oral presentations and posters. All its content will be licensed under a Creative Commons License.

Before 15 January 2016, authors will be notified of the acceptance or refusal of the paper by the International Programme Committee. The acceptance can be for oral or for poster presentation.

All the presenting authors of both oral and poster presentations are requested to submit the final version of their abstract to before 29 January 2016, to be printed in the Abstract Book. The abstract should contain only original material not published or presented elsewhere.

IPC will review all abstracts; minor changes will be made by the IPC with notification to the authors. Would major changes be necessary, the IPC will contact the presenting author.

In order to produce abstracts with uniform format, please follow the general recommendations:

  • Abstracts should be written in simple, concise and effective English.
  • They should be typed single spaced and with wide margins font size 12 points, Times New Roman.
  • The recommended length for each abstract is about 400-450 words and it should be structured (for instance: Introduction, Objectives, Methods, Results, and Discussion and Conclusions)
  • Titles should be clear and a concise statement of the purpose or goal of the work.
  • Titles should be followed by the complete name of the Authors (first name, followed by surname), by their affiliation in English (town and country included), using Arabic numerals, and the e-mail address of the presenting author.
  • Avoid numbering in titles and subtitles; write titles in bold and affiliation in italics. Latin or foreign words should be in italics.
  • Abbreviations should be spelled out in full the first time they occur in the text, followed by the shortened term in parentheses.
  • A selection of 6 keywords should be provided; MeSH terms should be preferred.

Online Conference Proceedings

After the end of the Conference, the oral presentations and the posters will be made available online in the Conference website.

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