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Jardines de Maria Luisa

The Pavilion Information, that welcomed visitors, was located at the entrance of the Exhibition. This historic building is where the Restaurant La Raza is located. Reforms in recent years have respected its main structure and retained its iconic towers, maintaining their integration in the park of Maria Luisa.
The name of the restaurant La Raza was inspired by the verses of Rubén Darío, of his poem ‘Satulación Optimist’, and listed in the monolith located in Avenue Isabel the Catholic. It reads: “inclitas very fertile races, Hispania blood fruitful, fraternal spirits, luminous souls, ¡salve!”
This palace fort was ordered to be built by Abd Al Raman III in the 10th Century. It is an outstanding combination of architectural styles, from the Almohad and Mudejar to the Gothic and from the Renaissance to the Neoclassical in its rooms, exquisitely decorated with plasterwork, tiled and stuccoed, and magnificent gardens. The Patio de las Doncellas, with beautiful decorative tiling, or the Patio de las Muñecas which has an interesting collection of capitals, are wonderful examples.
Although it is used as accommodation for members of the Royal Family and VIPs visiting the city, it is also used as setting for film productions, such as Red (1981) with Warren Beatty, The Kingdom of Heaven (2005) with Ridley Scott, Alatriste (2006) by Agustin Diaz Yanes or Game of Thrones, HBO (2015)
The Library of the Seville Cathedral, founded in 1248, received in the 16th Century (in 1552) the Hernando Colon (Cristobal Colon son) library, which is known as Colombina, the most important private library of the Renaissance in Europe. It contains a great amount of books (incunabula and rare works). Since then, it is known as the Chapitular and Colombina Library. It is situated on the east side of the Patio de los Naranjos of the Cathedral.
Archivo General de Indias

The General Archive of the Indies guards the documentary collection generated by the institutions created by the Spanish Administration to run Spain’s overseas territories. These institutions are: the Council of the Indies and the Office Secretariats, the Contracting House and the Consulates of Seville and Cadiz.
Today the Archive conserves over forty-three thousand dossiers, installed in nine linear kilometers of shelves, with some eighty million pages of original documents from XVI to XVIII. This rich documentary heritage is an indispensable source of information to study and research about three centuries of history of an entire continent from Tierra del Fuego to the southern United States, in addition to the Philippines: political history and social history, economic history and mentalities, the history of the Church and the history of art.
The building which we see today is one of the most beautiful examples of Andalusian mannerism. Since it was set up as a museum, the building has undergone three large interventions. The last one, starting in 1985 and finishing in 1993, was developed in various stages in order to completely restore the building and adapt it to the many demands of a modern exhibition space.
Its collection consists of paintings, sculptures, altarpieces and other sort of work of arts from the confiscated convents and monasteries and private collections donated by some Sevillian scholars and prominent local figures. Due to the quantity, quality and variety of the paintings from XV to XX, this museum is considered as the second art gallery of Spain.
Museo Arqueologico de Sevilla

The initial collection was comprised of church properties confiscated in the 19th century and from the Ruins of Italica, one of the most important Roman archeological sites, and, since the 1940s, the municipal collection, deposited by the Town Council of Seville. Currently, the museum has more than 60,000 pieces from the Early Palaeolithic period to the Middle Ages with Moorish and Mudejar items. It also includes items from the Phoenician, Tartessian and Roman periods. Some of the most outstanding works of art are the Carambolo Treasure and Carriazo Bronze.
Museo de Artes y Costumbres Populares de Sevilla

This ethnographical and anthropological museum displays objects and tools that form part of Andalusian traditional culture, as well as the customs, knowledge and lifestyles in general. It shows the wealth and variety of the ethnography of the region to which they belongs.
A significant proportion of the permanent collection entered the museum when it was founded. In terms of both quality and quantity, the most important works came from the Museum of Fine Arts and the Archaeological Museum, Seville, and some individual donation, in particular, the Diaz Velazquez Bequest. This donation contains one of the best-known collections of embroidery and lace in Europe.
Deposits are well represented by the collection of original posters from the Seville spring fairs of the Seville City Council or the Mencos collection, the most complete collection known of lithographs and photochromes of posters of Seville’s Feria de Abril and Holy Week, acquired by the Regional Ministry of Culture.
Biblioteca Parlamento de Andalucia

The collection of the Library consists of the unitary publications or monographs, many of them published by the different departments of the Regional Government of Andalusia and its accountable institutions. Subject coverage includes primarily the social sciences in general. They list the constitutional issues, parliamentarians and politicians in all its aspects, economic, legal, social and historical issues.
In addition there is a good representation of regional law, especially of all the materials that may provide support for the legislative development.
There are two categories of users:
Official users: The Library is primarily aimed at Deputies, former Deputies, staff of the Andalusian Parliament, the parliamentary groups accredited staff and representatives of accredited media in Parliament. They have access to the funds in the reading room as well as through the loan application.
Unofficial Users: Those who need to investigate may have access to the document collection of the Andalusian Parliament, if they are in possession of the card investigator
Archivo Historico Provincial

It is located in the historic city center, in a building built between 1895 and 1908. From the architectural point of view the main facade has a neoclassical porch and inside, the space is organized around two arcaded courtyards provided with galleries, including a splendid marble staircase available.
As archive, it contains important documentary collections, such as notarial protocols (XV-XIX); Contaduría de Hipotecas (former Land Registry, XVIII-XIX); Audience and Courts (XVI-XX); and documents from the provincial departments of the State Government and Regional Ministries (XX). They are preserved in 13 tanks with a capacity of 10,200 linear meters of documentation. It is one of the biggest archives in Spain and an essential source of information for the economic and social history of Seville and the role it played since 1248, and in particular, from XV to XVIII.
As one of the endemic problems of Seville was the floods caused by the Guadalquivir river and its tributaries, the building is raised in a base, is made of stone, and has a moat in three of the four sides of its perimeter. Although the construction of the Factory had started almost 30 years before, the main part of the building is due to the Flemish engineer, Van der Borcht, who was considered the primary author as the Factory was built.
Although the title character of Bizet’s opera Carmen is a cigar maker at the Royal Tobacco Factory, the workforce in Seville was entirely male.
In 1950 it was decided to move the tobacco operations to the Los Remedios neighborhood and to use the historic building as the headquarters of the University of Seville.
Some of the works of art, items and documents of the heritage of the University can be contemplated during the visit of this monument.

This Hacienda was a centre of olive oil production destined for Spain´s colonies in the New World, and among its various owners from the 16th to the 19th Century were the Jesuit College of San Hermenegildo, Doña Ines de Avila, and the 12th Duke of Alba Don Fernando de Silva.
Do you want to know a little bit more about this place? Visit their web site: and you will have a taste of the Dinner that will take place in there next 10th of June.