
The inevitability of Open Access. Why librarians have to foster it

   June 7, 2016 Tuesday

Pilar TORO
Andalusian eHealth Library
Seville, Spain
The inevitability of Open Access. Why librarians have to foster it.
Target audience
This workshop is aimed at librarians and information specialists interested in increasing their understanding of Open Access and how they can foster it in their institutions among their researchers and users, from the very beginning of the publishing process.
Basic / Medium.
Prerequisite understanding
As this course is intended to offer a space to address the importance of Open Access, especially in Health Sciences, and the role that librarians play in it, it is desirable to have some knowledge of what Open Access is and what it implies. However, previous experience in this field is not required.
Aims and outcomes
The aim of this workshop is to provide a space to discuss why librarians must be committed to Open Access and foster it among authors, researchers and users. The key points to be debated are: the benefits for authors, scientific community, institutions, funders and society in general; the needs of researchers when they have to choose where to publish a scientific outcome; the European policies on Open Access; the special features of health science repositories; and the quality of open-access journals.

At the end of the workshop, the attendees will have found their own answers about why they should foster Open Access and what they can do in their institution to promote it.

Taking into account the different backgrounds and level of experience that delegates may have, this course will be structured in two parts:

The first one will consist of a brief overview of basic concepts like Open Access, Open Science and Open Data and some key points that will be discussed in the second part. In particular:

  • What researchers need to know before choosing where to publish a research outcome: especially, author rights and self-archiving editorial policies; quality of scientific journals; and policies of funders and institutions in the European Union.
  • Special features of health science repositories: specific types of documents and criteria to assure the quality of the content.
  • What their institutions need to know if they publish open-access journals and monographs and the strengths and weaknesses of the process.

The second part will include interactive and participatory activities (Knowledge Café/Safari) that allow the exchange of ideas about the topics presented in the first part. Finally, the conclusions will be summarized in a draft document.

As the discussion and exchange of ideas is the base of this workshop, no electronic devices or computers are required.
Presentation and introduction of topics: 1.30h
Activities and conclusions: 2h
 Course leader
Pilar Toro studied History of Art at the University of Seville.

She worked as an archivist at the Archivo Histórico Provincial of Seville from 1994 to 2003. She specialised in preservation of documentary heritage; and in the legal aspects and historical content of notary’s protocols from XIII to XIX; and gave some important courses in these subjects.

In July 2003 she moved to the Andalusian Regional Ministry of Health where she works as a Health Science librarian. As part of her job, she gives advice to health professionals and researchers about where to publish the outcomes of their research; Open Access; intellectual property and author rights; and ethics in scholarly publishing. She also gives professional advice about publishing of Regional Ministry publications and their dissemination. In addition she serves on the Editorial Board of the Serie Salud y Buen Trato a la Infancia y la Adolescencia en Andalucía. Cuadernos de trabajo. of the Junta de Andalucia’s Department of Health.

She collaborates with the Andalusia e-Health Library taking part in many of its projects, but more specifically in the development and management of the Institutional Repository of the Andalusia Public Health System, as its Repository Manager.

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