Mendeley: using reference manager software to help organizing the institutional scientific research

Silvia LOPES
Universidade de Lisboa, Portugal
Mendeley: using reference manager software to help organizing the institutional scientific research
In this CEC we will explore Mendeley and its available tools, as a free academic reference manager software, to help us organize the scientific research (documents and references) produced by our Institution or unit (i.e. university, faculty, hospital, department or center) and use that organized data to import to other systems as Institutional Repositories. As a free reference manager software we will compare the general features of Mendeley with Zotero.
Based on Mendeley, exploring all the features, we can create our own folders and subfolders, add documents, and import and export references/data from/to other databases. Also, we will see how can we verify and correct the metadata, namely the authors name, and produce a compiled list of bibliographic references for each author, each department, unit or for the entire faculty, university or institution.
Finally, we will also explore the Mendeley social media and the integration with MS Word and/or Open Office.
Based on Mendeley, exploring all the features, we can create our own folders and subfolders, add documents, and import and export references/data from/to other databases. Also, we will see how can we verify and correct the metadata, namely the authors name, and produce a compiled list of bibliographic references for each author, each department, unit or for the entire faculty, university or institution.
Finally, we will also explore the Mendeley social media and the integration with MS Word and/or Open Office.
At the end of the course, participants will be able to:
- Know main functionalities of Mendeley and Zotero (advantages and disadvantages)
- Understand which is the better tool for the issue proposed (helping to manage institutional scientific research)
- Use Mendeley features
- Correct and complete each reference manually or automatically
- Correct author’s entries
- Manage folders and references
- Generate lists of bibliographic references in different citation styles
- Check and eliminate duplicate references
- Reference Managers: Mendeley vs Zotero
- Features
- Overview of Mendeley Desktop
- Add and edit documents / references
- Create and manage folders and Groups
- Citation styles
- Web plugin and MS Word plugin
- Other Tools:
- Check for duplicate
- File Organizer
- Watched Folders
- Citation tools in MS Word/Open Office
- Overview of Mendeley Social Media
Course Leader
Sílvia C. Lopes – PhD Student at Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Lisbon. Master of Science in Information Studies and Digital Libraries by ISCTE – University Institute of Lisbon. Degree in Geography by University of Lisbon. Librarian at Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Lisbon. Lecturer of training courses related to electronic resources, citations and bibliographic references and information skills at Faculty of Pharmacy. Manager of Institutional Repository of University of Lisbon (Repositório.UL). President of the Portuguese Association of Health Information and Documentation (APDIS). Member of EAHIL and BAD (Portuguese Association for Librarians, Archivists and Documentalists). Member of the Patient Health Information Workgroup of the Shared Services for Health Ministry, Portugal.