
Valeria SCOTTI
Fondazione IRCCS, Pavia, Italy
I also would be interested in creating an Eahil new special interest group on metrics (both traditional and alternative).
It becomes necessary to measure the broad impact of our researchers in the academic community and society in a different way from what was traditionally done. In addition, it is increasingly important to explore the possibility of combining the traditional altmetrics indicators, as a possible parameter for the allocation of funds and the annual evaluation of the research.
The course will be particularly useful for librarians interested in understanding the reach and impact of research, or tasked with reporting to funders on the research engagement in broader society.
Attendees of this course can expect to learn to:
Explanation of Altmetric data, how it is collected and how it should & should not be interpreted
Overview of various altmetric providers, their offerings, strengths/weaknesses
Activity to demonstrate the ways in which researchers, librarians, and research administrators can use altmetric data in work activities.
Time | Title | Content |
90′ | Introduction | What are Altmetrics? |
90′ | Usage | How are Altmetrics used? |
30′ | Discussion | What do you think about ? |
As a result of this workshop participants should:
Have an understanding of some of the main tools used for altmetrics.
Identify social media services that can use altmetric services to indicate the ‘buzz’ around your own topic of research.
Have an understanding of how altmetrics is being discussed for future measurement of research impact
I think that a seminar room would be appropriate. In alternative a computer training room.