
Lefebvre Associates, Oxford, UK
Search experience (such as use of Boolean Operators) is desirable but no previous experience of searching trials registers is required for this course.
She is a health sciences librarian by background and was the deputy librarian at the University of Oxford Medical School Library from 1986 before joining Cochrane in 1992. She was awarded an M.Sc. in Library and Information Science from the University of Loughborough in 1985 and an Honorary Fellowship of the Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals in 2007. She is also a Senior Associate Member of the Royal Society of Medicine.
Since 2012, she has served as the US Medical Library Association (MLA) Representative to EAHIL. She has also served as a Councillor for EAHIL and has been a frequent speaker and CE course facilitator at EAHIL conferences and workshops and other international conferences since the mid-1990s.
Since starting her own company in 2012, she now focusses on teaching and consultancy in information retrieval for evidence synthesis, such as systematic reviews, health technology assessment and guideline development. She has been teaching courses on searching trials registers since 2009.
She is a member of the InterTASC Information Specialists’ Sub-Group (ISSG), a group of information professionals who support research groups within England and Scotland providing technology assessments to the National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE). Carol is also one of the editorial team that maintains the InterTASC ISSG Search Filter Resource. She also serves as Associate Editor of the journal Research Synthesis Methods.