Cross Boundaries - Join Forces

Nordic Baltic EAHIL Workshop

June 25-28 2003 Oslo, Norway


Workshop highlights

The workshop starts on Wednesday 25 June at 17.00 with a reception in Oslo City Hall. The Mayor of Oslo has the pleasure to welcome you to Oslo with a reception for the workshop participants. After the reception we all go the Library of Medicine and Health Sciences of the University of Oslo where library director Arne Jakobsson, the new EAHIL president, welcomes you. For more information, see Social Programme

Thursday morning before lunch, you can choose between 5 different courses, library visits or sightseeing in Oslo. Or just do nothing. If you want to visit a special library, please let us know! Lunch at the hotel at 12.00 and the Opening Ceremony at 13.00

On Friday night we will enjoy the white summer night in an old sailing ship on the Oslo fjord. For more information about the cruise, see Social Programme.


Programme overview

Wednesday 25.06.
17.00 Reception at the Oslo City Hall, followed by a reception with a Nordic buffet at the Library of Medicine and Health Sciences. Product presentations by ProQuest Information and Learning and BMJ Publishing Group.

Transport to the Radisson SAS Park Hotel
sponsored by
ProQuest Information and Learning

Thursday 26.06. 
0745 Registration desk opens
0830-1200 Continuing education courses OR library visits OR city sightseeing OR time off
1200 Lunch at the Radisson SAS Park Hotel
1300 Opening ceremony
1340 Plenary session
1500 Coffe/tea
1530 Product presentation Swets Blackwell
1600-1800 Plenary session
1730 EAHIL general assembly
1930 Dinner at the hotel
Friday 27.06.
0900 Plenary session
1030 Coffee/tea
1100 Plenary session
1200 Product presentation Ovid Technologies
1230 Lunch sponsored by Ovid Technologies
1330 Plenary session
1430-1600 Walk & Talk including coffe/tea break
Evening: Cruise on the Oslofjord sponsored by Swets Blackwell
Saturday 28.06.
0900 Plenary session
1030 Coffee/tea
1100 Product presentation
1130 Plenary session
1200 Closing ceremony
1230 Light farewell buffet

Registration Highlights & Programme overview Programme Committee
Practical information Scientific Programme Local Organizing Committee
Hotel Information about Oslo and Norway EAHIL Board & Council Meetings

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Last update: June 17, 2003
Hilde Strømme