Cross Boundaries - Join Forces

Nordic Baltic EAHIL Workshop

June 25-28 2003 Oslo, Norway

Practical information


On arrival at Oslo Airport Gardermoen (50 km north of Oslo):

Airport express train to the city leaves every 20 minutes. Travel time to the city center is about 30 minutes. Price NOK 150.- one person, one way

  •  If you are going  to the hotel: take the train to Lysaker station south-west of Oslo. From there continue with taxi to the hotel (Price NOK 75-100) or take bus line no 31 with destination Snarøya, leaving every 15 minutes. Travel time from Lysaker station to the hotel: about 5 minutes.

Map of the Lysaker area

  • If you are going directly to the reception in Oslo Town Hall: take the Airport express train to the National Theatre Station. Walk 5 minutes to the Town Hall.

Airport taxi
takes more time and is far more expensive than the train. If you are 4 persons or more, it may pay to take a door to door taxi. Ask at the airport taxi counter in the arrival hall and demand a fixed price to your destination before deciding.

From the hotel:  bus line no 31 takes 10-15 minutes to the city center, leaving every 15 minutes, more frequently during rush hours.

You do not have to worry about local transport during most of the workshop. Except for Friday night after the boat trip bus transportation has been arranged for all events. On Friday night you are free to stay in town for a while if you like after the boat trip. You can get back to the hotel by bus (single ticket: NOK 31,-) or a taxi (price for a taxi with max. 4 passengers: about NOK 220,- - 250,-).

For practical information about the the receptions on Wednesday afternoon and the boat trip on Friday night, see: Social Programme.

Map of Oslo

Registration Highlights & Programme overview Programme Committee
Practical information Scientific Programme Local Organizing Committee
Hotel Information about Oslo and Norway EAHIL Board & Council Meetings

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Last update: June 20, 2003
Hilde Strømme