Cross Boundaries - Join Forces

Nordic Baltic EAHIL Workshop

June 25-28 2003 Oslo, Norway

Social programme

Wednesday afternoon/evening - Two receptions!

The workshop starts on Wednesday 25 June at 17.00 with a reception in Oslo City Hall. The Mayor of Oslo has the pleasure to welcome you to Oslo with a reception at the City HallYou will need an invitation card for this event, and this will be given to you at the City Hall entrance from 16.30 hrs. Please note that the doors close at 17.00 hours sharp! Dress code is "smart" (not jeans).

After the City Hall reception, at 18.30, buses will take you to the Library of Medicine and Health Sciences of the University of Oslo where library director Arne Jakobsson, the new EAHIL president, welcomes you. The library is the largest medical library in Norway, situated at the new National Hospital.  If you wish to have a closer look at the library, Arne and his staff will be happy to show you around. Or you can just relax and get acquainted with Norwegian colleagues and other participants of the workshop. A Nordic Buffet will be offered by the library and your local host, SMH (The Norwegian Library Association. Section for Medicine and Health). There will also be short product presentations.

After the reception a bus will take you to the hotel.

Friday - Evening Cruise on the Oslo fjord!

On Friday evening you are invited to enjoy the long, fair night in an old sailing ship on the Oslo fjord. It is a midsummer tradition in Norway to spend the fair nights of June on the sea or having a picnic on one of the islands of the fjord.

At 17.30 hrs buses will take us to the harbour which is situated in the center of Oslo. We sail at 18.00 hrs and expect to be back at about 22.00 hrs - early enough to allow time for a stroll in the city or to enjoy a beer at one of the cafes at Aker Brygge, the restaurant and shopping center by the harbour.

You can get back to the hotel by bus line no 31, destination Snarøya, leaving every 30 minutes from Aker Brygge (single ticket: NOK 31,-) or a taxi (price for a taxi with max. 4 passengers: about NOK 220,- - 250,-).

What to wear
Our boat is the old sailing ship "Johanna", which is comfortable, but informal. The best way to enjoy this adventure is to be dressed comfortably, informal and warm. Trousers, a warm sweater and a windbreaker would be wise. We hope, of course, to give you the very special experience of a warm, fair night. However, it may also be chilly. What is certain, is the special atmosphere of white light, almost as bright as during the day.

The meal
You will be served a traditional meal for such occasions: Norwegian shrimps and bread, strawberries and white wine. It is also possible to buy other drinks on board. Please be sure to tell us if you are allergic to sea food and we will find something else for you.

The cruise is sponsored by Swets Blackwell.

Registration Highlights & Programme overview Programme Committee
Practical information Scientific Programme Local Organizing Committee
Hotel Information about Oslo and Norway EAHIL Board & Council Meetings

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Last update: June 23, 2003
Hilde Strømme