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    CEC 01
    July 5, Tuesday
    Comp. Lab. 180

Searching for a Systematic Review
Jacqueline Limpens



Jacqueline Limpens has a PhD in Medical Biology and obtained  postdoctoral training in Library and Information Studies. She has 8-9 years experience as an information specialist, both with a pharmaceutical company and in an academical hospital setting. Currently she is working as an information specialist at the  Academic Medical Center (AMC) in Amsterdam, the Netherlands. She is clinical librarian coordinator and coordinator of the library education program for the new curriculum for medical students at the AMC. She also works as a trial search coordinator for the Dutch Cochrane Center.
In these functions Jacqueline gained experience in searches for critically appraised topics (CATS), systematic reviews and guidelines. She has developed and given many workshops on evidence based searching.

Jacqueline is  EAHIL Council member and author of the well known blog: Laika’s MedLibLog.


Course description

Evidence Based Medicine is now standard in Medical Schools and in Health Care. Therefore, Librarians are more and more involved in exhaustive searches for systematic reviews and evidence based guidelines. For such searches, it is no longer sufficient to perform a basic 2 to 3 term search in PubMed.

This course will  provide insight in the “what, why and how” of searches for systematic reviews. Via presentations, demos and hands–on exercises (including computer exercises) you will learn to  formulate clinical questions according to the PICO method and to define the most important concepts (to search). You will be able to build an elaborate search strategy in PubMed and OVID MEDLINE.

This workshop will provide you a basis for performing systematic searches yourself and to evaluate those performed by others.


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