Tuesday 2 June 2009 14.00 - 17.00 NEW Cost: €60.00 Capacity: 20 participants Venue: Presidents Suite D203, Dublin Castle This session will communicate to information professionals the importance of, and techniques for, conveying a concerted value statement to promote the merit of the information service to their organization in the face of a clientele that is changing in line with redefined roles, mobile communication technology and making the right relationship connections. This value proposition embraces the elements of a marketing strategy including the 4P’s, effective communication strategies to convey the right message, image and other brand positioning aspects to help information professionals develop the new competencies required in today’s challenging business environment.
Ian Pearce is a Training & Applications Consultant at Dialog. He has responsibility for providing expert knowledge for Dialog and DataStar content, platforms and applications. Building on 35 years of service, Dialog and DataStar continue to be the world’s leading aggregator of scientific literature, intellectual property, and business information from the most renowned publishers in the industry. Within this training role he interacts with a wide variety of information users across a multitude of industries.
Ian joined Dialog in 2006 and prior to this spent 12 years working within the Thomson Corporation (now Thomson Reuters) in various positions including Online Relationships Manager, Product Manager and Help Desk Executive. He began his career in the information industry within the patent editorial department at Derwent Information.
Ian has a 1st Class BSc (Hon.) degree in Chemistry with German and is based in London. |