The Workshop is a collaboration between the European Association for Health Information and Libraries (EAHIL), the International Conference of Animal Health Information Specialists (ICAHIS) and the International Clinical Librarian Conference (ICLC).
The theme of the Workshop is Research-Minded: understanding, supporting, conducting research.
The primary aim of the Workshop is to equip participants with greater understanding of, and practical skills in, research approaches and methods.
The rationale for this aim is that understanding and experience of research makes us better able to support clinicians, researchers, teachers and students. It also equips us as reflexive practitioners to engage critically and analytically with the daily activities of our work, and develops our skills fundamental to taking an evidence-based approach to our professional practice. These skills are also necessary for measuring and demonstrating impact of our services.
The format of the workshop sessions will be participative and practical. As a delegate, you will have the chance to gain hands-on experience of a range of quantitative and qualitative methods as well as key areas of support such as advanced literature searching and research data management. You will have the chance to bring your current projects to get expert feedback and advice for taking the work forward.
Get the latest news, programme updates and ideas for your visit to Edinburgh
- look at our event page in FaceBook
- join the EAHIL group in FaceBook
- follow EAHIL on twitter at @eahil or @eahil2015
- follow ICLC on twitter @ClinLib_Conf
- event hashtag #researchminded