OPEN ESTONIA FOUNDATION is a non-governmental charitable organisation that was created in April 19, 1990, and is supported by George Soros, an American businessman and philanthropist born in Hungary. It is aimed at promoting an open society in Estonia. Open Estonia Foundation provides scholarships and project grants.
EBSCO Publishing understands the complex information needs of libraries and offers sound solutions to those needs with a collection of specially designed, comprehensive full text databases, available online via EBSCOhost(r) and via CD-ROM, for each type of library setting. Our reference products offer a familiar, user-friendly interface in addition to sophisticated software and specialized customization options. |
The main purpose of NORDINFO, the Nordic Council for Scientific Information, is to promote Nordic cooperation within the field of scientific information and documentation, principally in connection with the research library system. NORDINFO shall also promote Nordic interests in a wider international context. NORDINFO's task is to be instrumental in the development aiming at better and more efficient ways of disseminating information to research workers and other users of scientific and technical information resources in the Nordic countries. |