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European Association for Health Information and Libraries
Association Européenne pour I'Information et les Bibliothèques de Santé


Is an International Job Exchange for you? /
Est-ce qu'un échange international vous intéresse?

As chair of the Job Exchange Committee of the Medical Library Association's International Cooperation Section, I encourage job exchange between medical librarians. If you are interested in a job exchange, please fill out the survey and return to Donna Flake.

En tant que présidente du comité d'échange professionnel de la section de coopération internationale de MLA, j'encourage les échanges professionnels entre bibliothécaires médicaux. Si vous êtes intéressé/e par un tel échange, veuillez remplir le questionnaire et le retourner à Donna Flake.

I am interested in arranging an international medical librarian job exchange.






Brief description of your job Countries where you want to arrange a job exchange (can say all countries or list specific ones)


Preferred length of Exchange

Are you willing to switch houses?

I cannot participate in an International Job Exchange, but I would be able to provide advice about my city or state or country.

____ Yes ____ No

I also would be willing to introduce librarians seeking job exchanges to librarians in my city/state/country who might be able to help.

____ Yes ____ No

Return to / Renvoyer à:

Donna Flake
Library Director
Coastal AHEC Medical Library
2131 South 17th Street
PO Box 9025
Wilmington, NC 28402-9025
Email the answers to me at: dbf1@med.unc.edu

There is a web site for persons seeking job exchanges at http://www.ahsc.arizona.edu/~lei/ics/jobs.htm. Once I have your information, I will update this web site.

Les personnes intéressées dans de tels échanges peuvent aussi consulter le site http://www.ahsc.arizona.edu/~lei/ics/jobs.htm.

Le site est mis à jour dès que l'information concernant les personnes intéressées est reçue.

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Contents / Sommaire No. 49


Updated by Webmaster2000-01-25