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European Association for Health Information and Libraries
Association Européenne pour I'Information et les Bibliothèques de Santé


News from the EVLG

Dear Friends / Colleagues,

First of all I want to let you know that we are definitely holding our EVLG-meeting within the 7th EAHIL-conference as part of the 8th International Congress on Medical Librarianship (ICML) in London 2-5 July 2000. The scientific programme will be integrated in the 3rd International Conference of Animal Health Information Specialists (ICAHIS), so this part will be worldwide. Some tours are planned for the 6th and 7th of July. Please try to plan this first week of July in your programme for 2000!

Another subject: Last week I took some time to "surf on the net", searching for libraries and institutes for animal health and veterinary medicine information services in Europe. A lot of work has already been done at different places, and surfing around you are able to get a reasonable survey of the different institutes in veterinary information: e.g. see European Veterinary Library Group and a Directory of Veterinary Libraries in Europe at http://www.uvm.sk/dept/libr/evlg.html. This and others have opened the way to further cooperation and exchange of information and to the integration of our technical software and hardware. Yet I think we may improve our efforts by more coordination and planning. For example: When you are visiting the site of Ken Ladd about veterinary medicine libraries and the site of the Helsinki Veterinary Medicine University about Veterinary Education and Research in Europe, you see that they are complementary.

So let us put in some efforts to improve our network-information even more! If you have any remarks or suggestions, please let the EVLG-board know.

Gerdien de Jonge
e-mail: g.dejonge@library.uu.nl

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Contents No. 49


Updated by Webmaster2000-01-24