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European Association for Health Information and Libraries
Association Européenne pour I'Information et les Bibliothèques de Santé


Letter from the President

Dear Colleagues and Friends,

This is now the fourth 1999 issue of our Newsletter, the last for 1999 and the last for this Millennium. So it is time to sum up past events and make some projects for the future. The history of EAHIL is well known to all of you, after the big celebrations of the EAHIL 10th Anniversary in 1997 organized under the presidency of Elisabeth Husem. Following that we had the successful Utrecht conference in 1998 and the interesting Tartu Workshop last summer. It was the first time that we succeeded to move so far East in Europe and I hope that this contact can be the first of a profitable cooperation. I already know that the Nordic countries have special projects to support their neighbours in the development of new initiatives.

The EAHIL secretariat has changed its seat: after many years of long and dedicated cooperation Roselyn Hoet retired in 1998, and it was decided that an Association as large as EAHIL should offer the persons working therein a better environment. So we have changed both the methods of running daily affairs and the location. The move from Belgium to the Netherlands has caused minor problems, but now things are running well thanks to the strong character of Suzanne Bakker, our EAHIL Supervisor.

Professional awards have been introduced and an active cooperation has been established with MLA, for which we have to thank Donna Flake. In addition, professionally speaking we have seen many changes: from paper to electronic journals, from online searches to CD-ROMs, from LAN to Internet and Intranets, from intermediation to dis-intermediation. And what will follow?

I am sure that as professionals we will still have a future: all the new technologies have not yet overwhelmed our activities, and both librarians and information officers have shown themselves to be flexible enough to adapt their job profile to the new requisites. If necessary we can and will evolve further. EAHIL, too, as an Association will change. As you all know from the section 'Association News' written in detail by Liisa Salmi, a working group is already revising the Statutes, which we would like to adopt at the General Assembly in 2000, a good starting point for the new Millennium.

Moreover in London it will be the first time where we shall hold our biennial conference together with principal associations of medical librarianship and this will be once more an opportunity to compare with others. After that other events have already been placed in the agenda:

Italy in 2001, Germany in 2002, Norway in 2003, Spain in 2004 and ....Suggestions and offers are welcome. Finally I would like you to remember the Editorial Board, the previous one under the chair of Luisa Vercellesi and the present one with Sally Wood and Ioanna Robu. The efforts of the Editors are immense: the calls for contributions, the receipt of them, the subsequent translations and the conversion of files from PC to Mac...Thank you for your excellent work. A thought also for the Board and Council members, who share and cooperate with me in managing the Association.

So now I would like to wish you and your families all the best for this year and as the Germans say...ein guter Rutsch ins Neujahr!

Manuela Colombi,
EAHIL President

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Contens No. 49


Updated by Webmaster2000-01-24