Dear Colleagues / Chers
For this issue I am presenting two different aspects:
1) a European overview and a list of interesting topics from the States. For the latter,
we are indebted to Donna Flake who has asked our Editor to include her contribution.
2) An interesting paper on Internet: about 85% of users use search engines to locate
information but search engines may not index new pages for month and no engine indexes
more than about 16% of the web!
Pour ce numéro, je vous présente deux aspects différents:
1) une vue Européenne et une liste de sujets d'intérêt venant des Etats-Unis. Pour
cette dernière, nous devons remercier Donna Flake qui a demandé à notre éditrice
d'inclure sa contribution
2) Un article intéressant sur Internet: environ 85 % des utilisateurs utilisent des
moteurs de recherche pour localiser leur information mais ces moteurs de recherche peuvent
ne pas indexer de nouvelles pages pendant un mois et aucun moteur n'indexe plus de 16 % de
la Toile!
Giovanna F. Miranda
Co-Editor & Publications
Since the Newsletter of May 1999, the following journal issue of Health
Libraries Review has been received: vol. 16, 1999, no. 2
- S. Rose: Editorial p. 71
- A. O'Rourke, E. Dolman, N. Fox, P. Lane and C. Roberts. The Wisdom Project: virtual
education in primary care. p. 73-81.
- V. Monaghan and K. Misso. Evidence into practice: an information service for primary
care professionals. p. 82-88.
- J. MacDougall. Community access to health information in Ireland. p.89-96.
- L. Cawthra. Older people's health information needs. p.97-105.
- M. Sergison. Skill mix in primary care-creating a bibliography. p.106-111.
- E.J. Matthews, A.G.K. Edwards, J. Barker, M. Bloor, J. Covey, K. Hood, R. Pill, I.
Russell, N. Stott, C. Wilkinson. Efficient literature searching in diffuse topics: lessons
from a systematic review of research on communicating risk to patients in primary care.
- Innovation on the Internet.
- B. Anagnostelis Series Editors. p. 121
- M. Montague and A. Tomlin. Primary Care Sharing the Evidence (PRISE) project website:
bringing high-quality information to primary health care teams.
- D. Husband, M. Montague and J. Barker. A checklist for clarifying issues in working with
primary care. p. 125
- A. McIntosh. Designed to care: the Scottish perspective on primary care in the new NHS.
p. 127
- T. Roscoe. Do PCGs need information officers? p. 129
- R. Marriott. Providing library support for the development of clinical guidelines. p.
- Sixth European Conference of Medical and Health Libraries, Utrecht, The Netherlands,
22-27 June 1998. p. 134
- Seamless Information: supporting the interface between health and social care. IFM
Healthcare Study Day, British Medical Association, London 17th July 1998. p. 136
- Research (J. Farmer and D. Williams) p. 137
The Medical Library Association publishes numerous booklets and
brochures on important issues in the field of health sciences information management.
Below is a list of Books, DocKits, BibKits, Standards and Other Publications. Unless
otherwise indicated, materials may be ordered from the Medical Library Association. More
complete information on many of these publications, as well as full ordering information
is available at:
La Medical Library Association (MLA) publie de nombreux pamphlets et
brochures sur des sujets importants dans le domaine de la gestion en bibliothéconomie
médicale. Ci-dessous se trouve une liste de livres, manuels de documentation, manuels de
bibliographies, standards et autres publications. A moins d'être indiqué autrement, tous
ces documents peuvent être commandés à la MLA. Une information plus complète sur ces
publications ainsi que les formulaires de commande peuvent être obtenus sur le site
Current Practice in Health Sciences
Librarianship (8 volume series)
Volumes 1-6 can be ordered from Scarecrow Press, 4720 Boston Way,
Lanham, Maryland 20706, USA.
Volumes 7 & 8 can be ordered through the Medical Library
Volume 1: Reference and Information Services in Health Sciences
Libraries. M. Sandy Wood, editor , 1994. ISBN #0-8108-27654 $41.50
Volume 2: Educational Services in Health Sciences Libraries. Francesca
Allegri, editor, 1995. ISBN #0-8108-3004-3 $31.00
Volume 3: Information Access and Delivery in Health Sciences Libraries.
Carolyn Lipscomb, editor, 1996. ISBN #0-8008-3050-7 $39.50
Volume 4: Collection Development and Assessment in Health Sciences
Libraries. Daniel T. Richards and Dottie Eakin, 1997. ISBN #0-8108-3201-1 $47.50
Volume 5: Acquisitions in Health Sciences Libraries. David H. Morse,
editor, 1996. ISBN #0-8108-3052-3 $39.50
Volume 6: Organisations and Management of Information Resources in
Sciences Libraries. Laurie Thompson
Volume 7: Administration and Management in Sciences Libraries. Rick
Forsman, 1999.
Volume 8: Health Sciences Environment and Librarians in Sciences
Libraries. Lucretia W. McClure. 1999.
Alternative Medicine Resource Guide. Francine Feuerman and Marsha J.
Handel, 1997. ISBN #0-8108-3284-4 $49.50 (can be ordered from Scarecrow Press)
Ethnic Minority Health: A Selected, Annotated Bibliography. Craig
Haynes, 1997. ISBN #0-8018-3225-9 $65.00
Health Statistics: An Annotated Bibliographic Guide to Information
Resources, 2nd Edition. Frieda O. Weise, editor, 1996. ISBN #0-8108-3056-6 $42.00 (can be
ordered from Scarecrow Press)
Informed Treatment: Milieu Management in Psychiatric Hospitals and
Residential Treatment Centres. Nancy Britton Soth, 1997, ISBN #0-8108-3202-X $55.00
Introduction to Reference Sources in the Health Sciences, 3rd edition.
Fred W. Roper and Jo Anne Boorkman, 1994. ISBN #0-8108-2889-8 $37.00 (can be ordered from
Scarecrow Press)
Library Services in Mental Health Settings. Mary E. Johnson, editor,
1997. ISBN #0-8108-3306-9 $42.00 (can be ordered from Scarecrow Press)
Managing Public Access to Microcomputers in Health Science Libraries.
Gale G. Hannigan and Janis F. Brown, 1990. ISBN #0-8108-2436-1 $38.00 (can be ordered from
Scarecrow Press)
Communication Sciences and Disorders: Annotated Bibliography, Guide to
Resources. Item #5361-01 $25.00
A Guide to Information Resources in Respiratory Care. Item #5361-02
Osteopathic Medicine: An Annotated Bibliography and Guide to the
Literature. #NB-3 $25.00
Professional Position Descriptions in Health Sciences Libraries (Rev.
1996). Item #5345-00 $36.00
Evaluation Instruments for Health Sciences Libraries. Item #5350-00
Collection Development Policies and Procedures in Health Sciences
Libraries. Item #5350-10 $40.00
Paraprofessional/Technical Position Descriptions in Health Sciences
Libraries. Item #5350-20 $49.00
Descriptive Floor Plans of Computer Centres in Libraries. Item #5350-30
Library Logos: Bookmarks, Guides, Business Cards, Mastheads and
Letterheads. Item #5350-40 $30.00
World Wide Web and Other Internet Information Services in the Health
Sciences: A Collection of Policy and Procedure Statements. Item #5350-50 $36.00
Electronic Searching of the Health Sciences Literature: Examples for
End-User Searching. Item #5350-60 $46.00
Policies for Visitors to Health Sciences Libraries. Item #5350-70
Accreditation and the Hospital Library: Information Management Plans,
Assessment Tools. Item #5350-71 $60.00
Informatics in Health Sciences Curricula. Item #5350-72 $35.00
MLA Standards and Other Products
Standards for Chiropractic College Libraries, 1996 Item #5352-00 $14.00
Standards for Hospital Libraries, 1992 Item #5330-00 $17.00
Health Sciences Librarian Compensation: Results of MLA's 1995 Salary
Survey, 1994 Item #5323-00 $65.00
Copyright Law and the Health Sciences Librarian, 1989 Item #5342-00
Challenge to Action: Planning and Evaluation Guidelines for Academic
Health Sciences Libraries, Item #5331-00 $10.00
Step One: Survival - MLA's Librarian Survival kit, Item #5320 $35.00
A Code of Ethics for Health Sciences Librarianship, Item #5018-25 (Size
81/2 x 11 and suitable for framing) $11.00
1998/99 Directory of the Medical Library Association, Item #5450-00
MLA News
MLA News, Subscription $61.50 per year
Bulletin of the Medical Library Association, Subscription $174.00 per year
Compétences émergentes en information et documentation. Résultats de
l'enquête de l'UR-ESID - 1997-1998. V. Hadengue-Dezael. Documentaliste- Sciences de
l'Information 1999;36(3):186.
A medical library's role in Web Development in an academic environment.
M. L. Just et al. Internet Reference Services Quarterly 1999;4(1):53.
Accessibility of information on the web. S. Lawrence and C. Lee Giles.
Nature 1999;400:107.
....... Web-based
HIV- AIDS Thesaurus. This
thesaurus is part of a European project, sponsored by the Commission of European
Communities. It has been established by a working group made up of European AIDS
librarians and information scientists. The thesaurus serves as an indexing and research
language for EDOA, the European database on AIDS. It is available in six other languages
(Dutch, German, French, Italian, Portuguese, Spanish).
The working group is looking forward to receiving comments and
suggestions on the thesaurus and wish that we assist in its dissemination by making people
aware of its existence. The thesaurus and the database are available on the Internet:
Eco-Santé OCDE 99. This
software enables you to consult the OECD Health Data. The database contains 760 series, or
more than 240,000 figures on the health systems in the OECD countries. For further
Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
announce that it will be introducing a special section in their web page dedicated to
their library customers. You will find journal prices, information on periodicals and
books, access to electronic journals, instructions to authors, etc.
Ovid Technologies announce
that it has reached a licensing agreement with the British Library's Health Care
Information Service to offer its AMED Database. AMED (Allied and Complementary Medicine)
covers a selection of journals in complementary medicine, physiotherapy, occupational
therapy, rehabilitation, podiatry, palliative care. In addition to basic bibliographic
information, many records for articles published from 1995 onwards have abstracts. The
AMED thesaurus is based on MESH indexing terms.
now in the SilverPlatter ERL co-publication program. The INVERT database covers the
nursing periodicals in Dutch, the database is published by the library of the
St-Elisabeth' Health Department of the Katholieke Hogeschool Kempen (Belgium) together
with IVS and SilverPlatter. It includes the literature published in Dutch and Flemish
nursing journals and provides entries to more than 50 journals and newsletters from 1993
on. Every year about 2000 references are added to the database. Each entry consists of a
full bibliographic description with annotations about the nature of the article and
details about various kinds of information as illustrations, literature, forms, nursing
care plans... included in the contribution. A comprehensive and controlled thesaurus can
be used to retrieve articles by subject.
For more information:
Katholieke Hogeschool Kempen
Departement Gezondheidszorg
Sint-Elisabeth Herentalsstraat 70
B-2300 Turnhout
Tel. +32 14 412747 - Fax +32 14 425412 - E-mail
Giovanna F. Miranda

Contents / Sommaire No. 49 |