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European Association for Health Information and Libraries
Association Européenne pour I'Information et les Bibliothèques de Santé


Forthcoming Events

22-24 September 1999, Paris, France
ECDL99. Third European Conference on research and advanced technology for digital libraries.

Further information : http://www-rocq.inria.fr/EuroDL99

13 October 1999, New York, USA
Quality Health Information on the Net '99

The theme of this meeting is "Healthcare Professionals and Consumers Online : Fixing the broken link.
Sponsored in part by Intel, the conference will provide a review of Internet Health resources and how to utilize and improve the quality of these resources.
For further information : http://www.ihc.net/community/conf.html

14-15 October 1999, Hannover, Germany
Information Specialists for the 21th Century

Further information : http://conference99.fh-hannover.de

4-6 November 1999, Santiago de Compostela, Spain
VIII Jornadas Informacion y documentacion en ciencias de la salud

The Conference is organised by the Spanish Group of Health Science Libraries and Spanish Association of Scientific Documentation (SEDIC).
Further information : http://www.webgalega.com/congrega/sedic

24-26 January 2000, Cracow, Poland
8th Bobcatsss : Intellectual property vs. the right to knowledge?

The Conference is organised by the Royal School of Library and Information Science in Copenhagen, Denmark.
For further information : http://www.bobcatsss.com

Giovanna F. Miranda



Santiago de Compostela, November 4-6, 1999
Facultad de Medicina. Universidad de Santiago de Compostela, Spain

Conference, including exhibition, presentations and workshops, organised by: Health Science Libraries Group of the SEDIC (Spanish Society for Scientific Information and Documentation)

Highlights from the scientific program:

Thursday 4 November

10.00 -11.00 The Virtual Health Science-Library.
Abel Laerte Packer. Director of the Centro Latinoamericano y del Caribe de Información
en Ciencias de la Salud (Bireme) Sao Paulo. Brasil.

11.30-13.00 Round Table: Minimum Standards for Medical Libraries,
chaired by: Elisa Garcia-Morales, Socia Directora de Inforárea.
M. Asunción Garcia Martín, Hospital de ruces, Bilbao.
M. Francisca Ribes Cot, Hospital Marqués de Valdecilla, Santander
Mercedes Rodriguez del Castillo, Hospital V. De las Nieves, Granada.
Javier Jimenez Ferreres, Complexo Hospitalario Arquitecto Marcide, Ferrol

16.00-18.00 Communications; Chair: Teresa Cabana Insua, Complexo Hospitalario Universitario de Santiago

Friday 5 November

10.00-11.30 Round Table: Health Science Information: The future
Chair: Teresa Mejuto Martí, Complexo Hospitalario Arquitecto marcide. Ferrol
Marta Jorda Olives, Agencia de investigación y Docencia del Hospital Vall d'Hebron, Barcelona
Isidro Aguillo, CINDOC Madrid
Miguel Angel, Madrid and Michel Goñi. Diario Médico. Madrid
Rafael Bravo Toledo. Area de Salud 10. Madrid

12.00-13.30 Communications
Chair: Carmen Rodriguez Otero, Povisa, Vigo

16.00-18.00 Round Table: Health System Information: Strategies
Chair: Gacia Frutos, Facultad de Medicina, Santiago de Compostela
Marta Sorribas, Escola Bonanova, Barcelona
Joan Camps, Universidad Rovira i Virgili, Tarragona
Albert Jovell, Fundacio J. Laporte, Barcelona
Agustin Montes, Servicio de Medicina Preventiva, Facultad de Medicina, Santiago

18.00-19.30 Communications
Chair: Concepción Muñoz Tinoco, Hospital Ramón y Cajal, Madrid

Saturday, 6 November

10.-11.00 Communications
Chair: Rosa Maria Pazo, Hospital do Mexoeiro, Vigo

11.00-12.00 Conference: Knowledge Management.
Gerardo Rodriguez Seoane, Gestión del Conocimiento Técnicas de Información S.A. Madrid.

For more information about registration or acommodation please contact:

Emilia Pardo Bazan, 8-1º
15005 Coruña
Phone: 981 12 15 56. Fax: 981 12 24 15
e-mail: congrega@cesatel.es

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