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European Association for Health Information and Libraries
Association Européenne pour I'Information et les Bibliothèques de Santé


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Discussion list
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Publications & Products


Books - CD-ROM - Journal (HLR) - Papers - Publishers - Web - Other

Dear colleagues,

We all know very well the progress of the "information planet" in health, the development of electronic information retrieval systems with a growing number of products and tools for end users. All these should lead to cost-effective clinical decisions and to improved patient care. However the literature shows that there are still some contradictions between the evolution of products and their use. Retracted articles continue to be cited as valid work, we do not know yet how well physicians use the information retrieval systems and we do not know the impact that this information may have on patient care.

There is a lot of work to be done! The policy of copyright is still under debate. Some of the major U.S. institutions of research and higher learning have taken positions on copyright. Such a policy should be favourable to the concept that public benefit (the widest possibie dissemination) should take precedence over financial gain.

Giovanna F. Miranda Co-Editor & Publications


Since the Newsletter of October 1998, the following journal issue of Health Libraries Review has been received:

Health Libraries Review vol. 15, 1998, no. 3

T. Greenhalgh: Editorial - p. 147-150

M.E.S. Forrest. Recent developments in reading therapy: a review of the literature. p. 157-164.

The purpose of this article is to encourage health and community care librarians to become involved in the recreational and therapeutic value of reading and to consider reading therapy as a possible adjunct to the services currently available from today's libraries.

S. Rose. Challenges and strategies in getting evidence-based practice into primary health care-what role the information professional? p. 165-174.

An evidence-based approach is more difficult to achieve in primary care than it is in secondary care. This article examines the future role of the information professional in achieving the adaptation of evidence-based practice in primary health care.

A. Hicks, A. Booth and C. Sawers. Becoming ADEPT: delivering distance learning on evidence-based medicine for librarians. p 175-184.

The evidence-based healthcare agenda brings with it new challenges and opportunities for health librarians. This article describes an attempt to train librarians to support evidence-based healthcare using a mixed format of opening and 'closure' workshops supplemented by distance learning modules (ADEPT programme).

J. D. Eldredge, J.B. Teal, J.C. Ducharme, R. M. Harris, L. Croghan and J. A. Perea. The roles of library liaisons in a problem-based learning (PBL) medical school curriculum: a case study from University of New Mexico. p. 185-194.

A description of the role of library liaisons in the problem-based learning curricula.

Innovation on Internet. B. Anagnostelis Series Editors. p 195

A. Brice. Connecting Anglia & Oxford to core health information. p.196-200.

L. Jones and J. Cahoon. Overcoming network barriers: the implementation of the NISS BIOMED Service in the Trent NHS Region. p. 200-204.

V. M. Trinder. What do health professionals think of their library service? Report of a multiprofessional user satisfaction survey. p. 205-208.

The 1997 Bishop and LeFanu Memorial Lecture. 'The tragedy of childbed fever' given by Dr. lrvine Loudon. lnstitute of Child Health, 3 November 1997. (P. Bonnett) p 209.

Finding the Evidence: Clinical Guidelines from Source to Practice. IFM Healthcare study day, Scottish Health Service Development Group, Edinburgh, 26th January 1998. (M. Napper). p. 210-211.

New Team .... new research (and development) (J. Farmer & D. Williams) p. 211.

National and lnternational News (B. Madge). p. 215.


L'état des nouvelles technologies de l'information en 1998. Observatoire des NTI, DESS Systèmes lnformationelles et documentaires de l'Université de Lille-3. ADBS, 1998. 174 p, FrF 175. ISBN 2-84365-015-1.

Répertoire des banques de données professionelles: banques et services en ligne. Association des professionnelles de l'information et de la documentation. ADBS, 1998. 684 p. FrF 700. ISBN 2-84365-008-9.

Performance measurement and quality management in public libraries. IFLA Satellite Meeting. Berlin 25-28 August 1997 Proceedings. P.Borchardt and U. Wimmer eds. 1998, Berlin, Deutsches Bibliothekinstitut, 260 p.

The 1998/1999 MLA Directory. Medical Library Association Directory contains a complete listing of MLA's individual and institutional members. Is a benefit of MLA membership and is available for nonmember for a fee of $150. MLA Headquarters, Kate Corcoran, tel. 312-419-9094 x 12; corcoran@mlahq.org

Información de Salud para los Consumidores. A.M. Rees, I. Affranchino-Miniello eds. The Oryx Press, Phoenix, AZ, 1998. $74.95. ISBN 1-57356-166-5. This volume brings together over 150 of the most recent consumer health brochures and pamphlets availabie entirely in Spanish. This information is taken from a wide range of federal and professional health agencies. For the convenience of librarians and English-speaking users, the preface text and the chapter titles are presented both in English and Spanish.


Improving the quality of health information on the lnternet: The formation and rise of the lnternet Healthcare Coalition. J. Mack. Health Care on the lnternet 1998; 2(4): 21.

Issues in electronic journals selection and management. C.A. Leathem. lnternet Reference Services Quarterly 1998; 3(3): 15.

Getting research findings into practice. Finding information on clinical effectiveness. J. Glanville, M. Haines, I. Auston. BMJ 1998; 317: 200.

Phenomena of retraction. Reasons for retraction and citations to the publications. J. M. Budd, M. E. Sievert, T. M. Schultz. JAMA 1998; 280: 296.

How well do physicians use electronic information retrieval systems? A framework for investigation and systematic review. W. R. Hersh and D. H. Hickman. JAMA 1998; 280: 1347.

Who should own scientific papers? S. Bachrach et al. Science 1998: 281: 1459


....... Web-based

Influenza Sequence Database. The U.S. Department of Energy's National Laboratory at Los Alamos has launched this database that could aid in the identification of new influenza strains. The website also offer links to related resources, including WHO Influenza Surveillance and the European Scientific Working Group on Influenza. http://www.flu.lanl.gov

....... CD-ROM

The National Research Register. ls a CD-ROM containing five research databases: projects funded by the NHS Executive, trials funded by Medical Research Council, a register of research registers, a register of reviews in progress and a database of health related research at the two centres at the University of York. Update Software, available free from the NHS Executive.

Rndex. Dialog OnDisk. Contains abstracts and bibliographic citations from over 150 nursing, case management, and managed care journals. The database contains over 60,000 records (coverage from 1992 to present). Annual subscription $ 795, updates quarterly.

British Nursing lndex. SilverPlatter. Provides index citations from over 220 UK and other English-language journals. ls available both monthly and quarterly as a Web product or quarterly only on CD-ROM. http://www.silverplatter.com

EBMR. Ovid. Consists of the Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, plus Best evidence a database of two journals: APC Journal Club and Evidence Based Medicine. http://www.ovid.com


Swets and Zeitlinger have finalised an agreement with Mary Ann Liebert, Inc, a privately-owned publishing company. M.A. Liebert journals, available through SwetsNet in Catchword's Real Page format, cover biomedical research, clinical medicine and surgery, law and technology. Titles include AIDS Research and Human Retroviruses, DNA and Cell Biology, Human Gene Therapy, Journal of lnterferon and Cytokine Research and Telemedicine Journal.


ELISAD is a European Association of Libraries and lnformation Services on Alcohol and other Drugs. The primary purpose of ELISAD is to enable those working in the field of alcohol and other drugs and facing common challenges to exchange ideas and experience and, through networking and interaction with each other, to improve their knowledge, skills and performances.

Further information: Carla Rouge, ISPA/SFA, P.O.Box 870, CH-1001 Lausanne, Switzerland tel. +41-21321-2957; fax +41-21233-1930

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Last Updated March 22, 1999 by Suzanne Bakker

Updated by Webmaster2001-08-07