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European Association for Health Information and Libraries
Association Européenne pour I'Information et les Bibliothèques de Santé


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Discussion list
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Forthcoming events

9 March 1999 - Brussels, Belgium

INFORUM '99 - Work locally, think globally. Europe, diversity of experiences for common competencies.

The Belgian Association for Documentation organise together with ECIA (European Council for lnformation Associations) the Inforum '99. Belgian and international specialist will present the fruits of their thoughts and experience on total quality, knowledge management, challenges of libraries in the year 2000, role of professional associations.

Further information http://www.synec-doc.be/abd-bvd


22-24 March 1999 - Harrogate, UK

HC99: lnformation at the heart of clinical practice.

Europe's leading healthcare information management conference.

Conference Secretariat, P.O. Box 94, Malvern, Wors WR13 5YB, UK; tel +44-1886-833-868, fax +44-1886-833-843, e-mail: judy@amiconf.demon.co.uk


10-12 May 1999, Ronneby, Sweden

III Conference ICCC/IFIP. Redefining the information Chain: new ways and voices.

Further information: http://www5.hk-r.se/elpub99.nsf


17-18 June 1999 - Bologna, ltaly

The Digital Library and Electronic Document Delivery

A Conference organised by The British Library, The British Council, The ltalian Library Association and Gidif,Rbm.

Further information The British Council, Via delle Quattro Fontane 20, 00184 Roma, ltaly;

tel +39-06-47814203/+39-06-47814204; fax +39-06-4814296/+39-06-4814206

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Last Updated March 22, 1999 by Suzanne Bakker

Updated by Webmaster2001-08-07