! Gruppo Operativo per il Trasferimento della ricerca bibliografica nei
servizi sanitari. Task Group for the Transfer of medical bibliographic
information to health services.
Laura Cavazza*,
Chiara Bassi**, Rita Iori*** , Eleonora Belletti****, Leslie Locche°,
Maria Pia Schiavina°°, Maria Pia Fantini°°°
beni librari - Regione Emilia-Romagna
CEVEAS - Azienda USL di Modena
Medica ASMN - Azienda Ospedaliera di Reggio Emilia
Azienda Arcispedale S. Anna di Ferrara
Centralizzata Azienda Ospedaliera S. Orsola-Malpighi di Bologna
Assessorato Sanità - Regione Emilia-Romagna
Sanitaria della Regione Emilia-Romagna
LCavazza@ibc.regione.emilia-romagna.it |
GOT was officially
founded on December 28, 2000; the acronym stands for Gruppo Operativo per
il Trasferimento dei risultati della ricerca bibliografica nei servizi
sanitari, a task group of libraries that gives life to a consortium project
called Network informativo per il trasferimento dei risultati della ricerca
bibliografica nei servizi sanitari (an information network for the transfer
of bibliographic reseach in health services).
The project
was born in 1999 through the co-operation, in the EBM field, between Soprintendenza
per i beni librari e documentari della Regione Emilia-Romagna and Agenzia
sanitaria regionale.
EBM is the
common ground: by bringing forward the quality issues in bibliographic
research for the delivery of the best available evidences, EBM enhances
the role of the library within the Local health unit. The links between
library and unit are strengthened as the bibliographic services are necessarily
improved to support EBM methodologies, from enquiries to document delivery
to consistent training and updating aimed at staff and users. Soprintendenza
and Agenzia sanitaria regionale pooled their respective expertise and began
sharing the intents common to both.
GOT Goals
Our main goal
is to create networked services among the libraries of the Local health
units and grant a correct bibliographic information flow from searching
to delivery. Searches must deliver the best available scientific evidences,
in order to back the best diagnosis, therapy and care to citizens when
they get to the health and hospital service in their area and in order
to favour scientific research.
The project
intends to reach its aims by:
acquiring and
managing medical information resources, on a consortium basis and more
specifically by sharing the purchase of databases and information resources,
for a more cost-effective approach;
acquiring the
content of scientific material through a net of libraries that will provide
an efficient and co-operative document delivery service within the existing
legislation on copyright;
creating and
maintaining an on-line union catalogue of the serials, as the necessary
basis for document delivery;
training library
staff and users and updating their skills.
GOT Steps
Give all bio-medical
librarians in Emilia-Romagna a common and shared training in the field
of EBM, databases searching and management of serials, create a focus on
continuing education;
update the regional
survey of medical and health libraries and their collections, services
and staff in order to back further decisions;
select a group
of libraries against a set of criteria (skilled staff, range of serials
collections, services and/or libraries with good growing-up potential)
to form the first core group of GOT; extend the model to all other health
and medical libraries in due time;
decide shared
acquisitions, after a free trial of the products, in order to get the highest
quality information resources and best performing software for the project
and its management. This will lead to savings that can be differently exploited.
here to see graph 1]
GOT Results
Over the past
two years, the following work-packages were completed:
ground course
for librarians of biomedical libraries in Emilia-Romagna, with 17 trainees
framework of
the regional survey of medical and health libraries with Gruppo nazionale
BDS-Bibliotecari documentalisti sanità;
first informal
group formed by some selected Local health units and Regione Emilia-Romagna;
four month trial
of relevant databases (Medline, Embase, The Cochrane Library) on two different
software environments;
three training
sessions on the databases of the trial;
two seminars
on copyright and contract practice for library consortia;
of the GOT Group and Funding Agreement among four Units (Reggio Emilia,
Modena, Bologna and Ferrara) and Soprintendenza per i beni librari e documentari
della Regione Emilia-Romagna. The rules bring together different parties
with a common goal. The libraries buy and share access to the selected
databases; information resources costs are equally shared among the interested
parties. Soprintendenza has a scientific steering role and the task of
organising the training, following the project development, organisation
and contractual aspects. One of the parties is in charge of making orders
for the group;
purchase of
two databases (Embase and Medline) on SilverPlatter software;
execution of
the regional survey;
The following activities are underway:
start-up of
a document delivery scheme among three GOT libraries;
trial of more
databases and software;
survey of the
serials owned by the four participating libraries in order to build a union
opening to new
here to see graph 2]
GOT Future
The agreement
wants to open up to more Local health units wishing to participate; our
general aim is, understandably, the inclusion - in due time - of all the
regional health units in Emilia-Romagna. By the end of the year and in
2002, we plan to increase the number of available databases, start a trial
of a software for document delivery and serials, investigate the feasibility
of a union catalogue of serials and an OPAC, develop the e-journals sector
and awareness, envisage new training as the project goes on. Last but not
least, develop a GOT website.
1 L. Cavazza
[... et al.], A project of information and training on Evidence Based Medicine
aimed at librarians in Emilia-Romagna (Italy)
by Margherita Spinazzola; the authors would like to thank Paola Bussei
and Zeno Orlandi for their co-operation.