Evaluation of the
web-page qualitative level of a university library specialized in medical
sciences .
A. Barbeta, M.J. Garcia Mateu, A
Murillo, R. Pinilla, C. Roig
Universitat de Valencia - Facultad
de Medicina - Biblioteca
Avda. Blasco Ibanez, 17 - 46010
Valencia (Spain)
MJesus.Garcia-Mateu@uv.es |
to establish the quality of external
electronic resources useful to an university biomedical library.
to analyze the validity of a questionnaire
suitable to decide if a resource might to be included among library stocks,
applying it to selected web pages
to establish how many among the web
pages selected reach the quality level suitable to our users with regard
to the following criteria: context, contents, access and interactivity
and design.


General search engines (Altavista) are
not siutable to our users
Design and access are less relevant
Context and content are, in our opinion,
the most relevant criteria and, however, they are the most insufficient
Context: although the author is identifiable,
there are not further informations
Content: precision, objectiviness and
originality meet the expectations. Primary and detailed informations are
Access: it may be implemented, including
a map of the web page and the local navigation by connection nodes; description
and evaluation of connexions are lacking
Titles and first paragraphs acceptables
Internal Structure (metatags, DC) not