The state of art of
Document Delivery Service at our Library shows more than 4.000 documents
exchanged per year with other 300 Italian scientific libraries.

Why Internet Document Delivery?
To reduce costs and delivery times
To automate repetitive manual procedures
To cope with various accounting methods
used by other Italian libraries
The use of electronic DD has dramatically
reduced delivery costs at the Library
Activities work-flow in traditional
Document Delivery Service: documents are requested via fax or e-mail and
supplied via fax or surface mail.
The example shows the point of view
of our Library (BdA), when experiments with e-mail DD over the Internet
were started.
R1,R2,R3,R4 are bibliographic
references. A1,A3, A4 are the related documents.
NILDE, the web-based user interface,
is being tested now. It allows:
to send requests to a specific lending
to manage all the received requests;
to send requested documents via Internet,
fax or surface mail;
to archive all transactions, in order
to report comparative performances (statistics);
to get accounting reports, based on
a "reciprocity" policy established among libraries which agree to cooperate.
In order to design cost-effective
DD services it is necessary:
Full automation of all the activities;
Use of an Internet delivery system to
decrease costs and improve turnaround time;
A policy of Cooperation and Mutual Exchange
among the participating libraries.
This research work is carried
out in the frame of the C.N.R. Project Biblio-MIME
NILDE is powered by Tech-Pro.