The space of the book in ILL: how librarians image ILL face to the new technologies.

Anna Vaglio
Università Bocconi. Biblioteca. Prestito interbibliotecario
Milano (Italy)


65 messages sent to the Italian Librarians discussion list (AIB-Cur) from the beginning of 1995 to the end of the year 2000

18 articles published by Italian librarians on professional journals in the same period


Search for all the descriptions of Interlibrary loans service

Selection of words and the expressions that define ILL characteristics and perspectives

Subdivision of the selected words in three groups: words about the context of ILL, words about how and where the books circulate, words about tools andlimits of ILL

What are we searching?

Context, space and limitsof ILL in Italian librarians' words

Red words - the context of ILL

Technology has deeply changed the basis of ILL: 

Many kinds of OPACs and sources of information

unprecedented increasing of possibilities of search and retrieval

it has also changed its interlocutors and its role

the user wants (dreams of) his documents, no matter where they come from 

the user won't put any limit to his needs

the user urges for efficiency and timeliness

the user is a customer

the library is a customer too

the relationships between libraries and commercial suppliers of documents are changing

In this context, ILL still remains the better way to
have access to many sources of information and documents easily 

save the time of the users

make wide patrimonies accessibles

And consequently, librarians consider it 

the exaltation of the traditional library

the framework of library services

a strategic, cardinal service, on which in some case the whole library depends

pure consumption

antagonist of the traditional services

But are they ready to break the traditional structure of Interlibrary loan, that is: 

user-library A-libraryB-user-libraryB?

blue words - the space of ill

Where do librarians send books? And from where do they receive them? They imagine two schemes of search, as far as we understand from the words they use to describe the location of documents

a sequential scheme: they look for

a general register of libraries

a census

a list

a directory

a concentric scheme, from the library, to the local network, to the national ILL system, to the international one 



network of contacts

local loan

network loan

center of the network

inter-networks loan

from every region of Italy

national interlibrary loan

to obtain document at least in Italy

only national services can lend outside the country

international loan

foreign and italian libraries

both national and international

no difference between Italy and the rest of Europe

babel of projects 

national ILL services system


Only sometimes they imagine different paths, from the energetic space of their library towards various suppliers, scattered everywhere, besides their traditional boundaries: a library outside their country, or a commercial supplier, a research center, the author of a working paper. 

Every library is the Library

each library thinks about itself as the only library

a local databank containing the electronic traces of all the documents obtained from other libraries

Extra libraries loan

librarians operate in different directions

ILL exceeds the limits of every library


green words - the limits of ILL

Why librarians help the users to find books everywhere on the net but ask for slow and safe transactions without moving from their quiet network? Here are the answers.

  • Costs/payments:
chaos - boring and complicated procedures - confused methods of payment and refund - how much an ILL transaction costs - how much it costs to be payed - is refunding an obstacle to cooperation - the user has to pay, even if we do not supply him with any document.
  • Management and organisation: 
too many different operations

qualified personnel needed


timeliness is a further burden for librarians

increasing load of work

high number of requests

no rules and standards for requests, time, method of delivery

That's why we read in the discussion list: 

the best library web in the world doesn't solve ILL problems /technology is not enough to help ILL services to take-off /technology can not substitute human contribution

  • Copyright
Italian law on copyright does not consider ILL (and DD) as library services, so they are excluded from fair use.
  • The book
ILL work has a relevant manual aspect and lending books another library is a problem without a solution.

After simplifying payment procedures, reducing organisation gaps, solving copyright difficulties, ILL finds a kind of natural barrier, the book. The book is an object, it is a material reality, it has a physical presence that resists to any change of status.

Document delivery services manage electronic texts and electronic transmission of them, but ILL still deals with books, with information as a thing.

Why so many words for ILL?

Because we do not have figures, at the moment

Because we need to understand it better

In the near future, some of these words will disappear from the dictionary of librarians to make room for other words, for other themes. 

I wish to thank for their words and their ideas

Paolo Baldi, Paolo Bellini, Vanni Bertini, Monica Berzacola, Gianluigi Betti, Domenico Bogliolo, Monica Boccato, Elena Boretti, Paola Cassanelli, Evelina Ceccato, Manuela Colombi, Gianni Colussi, Valentina Comba, Liliana De Bernardis, Maria Teresa De Gregori, Elizabeth Eastwood, Riccardo Ferrari, Elisabetta Francioni, Laura Frigerio, Giuseppe Giardio, Claudio Gnoli, Emanuela Lenti, Gianfranco Maggi, Stefania Manzi, Elisabetta Marinoni, Gabriele Mazzitelli, Marco Melloni, Maurizo Messina, Tiziana Nordio, Carlo Paravano, Beppe Pavoletti, Giulia Pili, Delia Pitto, Dionilla Pizzi, Flora Raffa, Maria Stella Rasetti, Marina Reppini, Serena Sangiorgi, Michele Santoro, Antonio Scolari, Stefano Sella, Giovanni Solimine, Anna Maria Tammaro, I. Truccolo, Maurizio Vivarelli